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Search Router

The Search router will generate a set of endpoints for Searching users.

  • GET /get_user
  • GET /search

Setup the Search Router

To Setup the Search service, you will need to add all requirements to the object SearchService.

from typing import Callable, Optional
from import SearchService
from authx.backend import UsersRepo

        repo = UserRepo,
        admin_required = Callable

This one gonna help use to use the Search service, that we provide.

from authx import Authentication
from fastapi import FastAPI

app = FastAPI()
auth = Authentication()

app.include_router(auth.search_router, prefix="/api/users")

Get User

As the name suggests, we gonna use the GET method to get a user using his ID that will return the User Data.

@router.get("/{id}", name="auth:get_user", dependencies=[Depends(admin_required)])
async def get_user(id: int):
    service = SearchService()
    return await service.get_user(id)

The service.get_user function work to return the User Data, but also could raise an HTTPException if the User is not found.

    async def get_user(self, id: int):
        item = await self._repo.get(id)
        if item is None:
            raise HTTPException(404)

        return UserPrivateInfo(**item).dict(by_alias=True)

This route will return a list of users that match the search query. Using the GET method, you can pass the p parameter to search for users.

@router.get("", name="auth:search", dependencies=[Depends(admin_required)])
    async def search(
        *, id: Optional[int] = None, username: Optional[str] = None, p: int = 1
        service = SearchService()
        return await, username, p)

    return router

As always, we have the function that will return a list of users that match the search query. With this argument, you can search for users by ID, username or both.

  • id: The ID of the user.
  • username: The username of the user.
  • p: The page number.


The P parameter is used to paginate the results. (PAGE_SIZE = 20)

async def search(
    self, id: Optional[int],
    username: Optional[str], p: int) -> dict:
            PAGE_SIZE = 20
            items, count = await, username, p, PAGE_SIZE)
            div = count // PAGE_SIZE
            pages = div if count % PAGE_SIZE == 0 else div + 1
    return {
            "items": [
                UserPrivateInfo(**item).dict(by_alias=True, exclude_none=True)
                for item in items
            "pages": pages,
            "currentPage": p,