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Lets see a little example of how to use the middleware, and Integrate it with the application.

We could Create Our Project based on Starlette, instead of FastAPI.

Create Crud Instance

Using SQLAlchemy, we can create a Crud instance, and we can use it to create a Database and show multiple crud functionalities.

import typing

from sqlalchemy import JSON, Column, MetaData, String, Table, create_engine
from sqlalchemy.ext.automap import automap_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import create_session
from starlette.config import Config

config = Config(".env.sample")

class DB:
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self._engine = create_engine(config("DATABASE_URL"))
        _metatable = Table(
                Column("id", String, primary_key=True, nullable=False),
                Column("token", JSON),

        Base = automap_base(metadata=_metatable.metadata)

        self._session = create_session(bind=self._engine)
        self._User = Base.classes.users
  • Here we are using the create_engine function to create a database engine, and we are using the config function to get the database url from the .env.sample file.
  • We are using the Table function to create a table, and we are using the Column function to create the columns of the table.
  • We are using the create_session function to create a session, and we are using the Base function to create the Base class.
  • We are using the prepare function to prepare the Base class.
    def put(self, user_id: str, token: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]) -> None:
        self._session.merge(self._User(id=user_id, token=dict(token)))
  • Here we are using the merge function to merge the user, and we are using the flush function to flush the session.
  • We are using the id and token attributes to create the user.
  • We are using the put function to put the user in the database.
    def get(self, user_id: str) -> typing.Optional[typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]]:
        result = (
            self._session.query(self._User).filter( == user_id).first()
        if result is not None:
            return result.token
  • Here we are using the query function to query the database, and we are using the filter function to filter the query, and we are using the first function to get the first result of the query.
  • We are using the id attribute to filter the query, and we are using the token attribute to get the token of the user.
  • We are using the get function to get the token of the user.
    def delete(self, user_id: str) -> None:
        self._session.query(self._User).filter( == user_id).delete()
  • Here we are using the query function to query the database, and we are using the filter function to filter the query, and we are using the delete function to delete the user.
  • We are using the id attribute to filter the query, and we are using the flush function to flush the session.
  • We are using the delete function to delete the user.

Create Middleware & App

Now After initializing the database, we can create the middleware and the app.

Let's Call our Imports and Initial the Environment Variables using the Config function in starlette.config.

from starlette.applications import Starlette
from starlette.config import Config
from starlette.datastructures import Secret
from starlette.middleware.sessions import SessionMiddleware
from starlette.responses import JSONResponse

from authx import MiddlewareOauth2

config = Config(".env.sample")
  • Here we are using the Config function to get the environment variables from the .env.sample file.
config.SECRET_KEY = config("SECRET_KEY", cast=Secret)
config.SERVER_METADATA_URL = config("SERVER_METADATA_URL", cast=str)
config.CLIENT_ID = config("CLIENT_ID", cast=str)
config.CLIENT_SECRET = config("CLIENT_SECRET", cast=Secret)
  • Here we are using the SECRET_KEY and SERVER_METADATA_URL environment variables to set the SECRET_KEY and SERVER_METADATA_URL attributes of the config function.
  • We are using the CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET environment variables to set the CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET attributes of the config function.
app = Starlette()
db = DB()

class AuthenticateMiddleware(MiddlewareOauth2):
    PUBLIC_PATHS = {"/public"}

app.add_middleware(SessionMiddleware, secret_key=config.SECRET_KEY)
  • We Instance the application using the Starlette function, and we are using the db and server_metadata_url attributes of the config function to initialize the db and server_metadata_url attributes of the AuthenticateMiddleware class.
  • We are using the client_id and client_secret attributes of the config function to initialize the client_id and client_secret attributes of the AuthenticateMiddleware class.
  • We are using the force_https_redirect attribute of the config function to initialize the force_https_redirect attribute of the AuthenticateMiddleware class.
  • We are using the add_middleware function to add the SessionMiddleware class to the application.
async def homepage(request):
    user = request.session.get("user")
    return JSONResponse(user)
  • Here we are using the route function to create a route, and we are using the get function to get the user from the session.
  • We are using the JSONResponse function to return the user as a JSON response.
async def homepage(request):
    user = request.session.get("user")
    payload = {"message": "User not authenticated"} if user is None else user
    return JSONResponse(payload)
  • Here we are using the route function to create a route, and we are using the get function to get the user from the session.
  • We are using the payload variable to create the payload of the response.
  • We are using the JSONResponse function to return the payload as a JSON response.

To ensure that we can run the app we will use uvicorn and httpx to run the app.

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import logging
    import sys

    import uvicorn

    logger = logging.getLogger("httpx")
    logger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)), host="localhost", port=5001)
  • Here we are using the if statement to check if the __name__ is equal to __main__.
  • We import some libraries like logging and sys, and at the end we are using the uvicorn function to run the app.
  • We are using the getLogger function to get the logger of the httpx library, and we are using the setLevel function to set the level of the logger to DEBUG.
  • We are using the addHandler function to add the StreamHandler to the logger.
  • We are using the run function to run the app.


At the end of the process, we can run the app using the following command:

python -m app

We can see that the app is running on the following URL:

  • When you visit http://localhost:5001/public, you will see that you are not authenticated.
  • When you visit http://localhost:5001/other, you will be redirected to your tenant, to authenticate.
  • Once authenticated, you will be redirected back to http://localhost:5001/other, and your email will appear.