Initialize and setup¶
As we know that the database provider is the most important part of the configuration, we will start with the initial and setup class.
using MongoDB/Motor as an Asynchronous Driver.
First, make sure that you installed the driver, and you have the driver installed in your environment.
- Then Setup the database, and we will use the
as a dependency.
from authx import Authentication, MongoDBBackend
import motor.motor_asyncio
import asyncio
auth = Authentication(
Here we are initializing the database, and assigning the collections to the database, also adding a counter collection, with a default settings.
Create/Update/Delete Functions¶
Here we are creating the functions that will be used to create and update the database,based on the request.
- Create:
async def create(self, obj: dict) -> int:
async with await self._client.start_session() as session:
async with session.start_transaction():
id = await self._increment_id()
obj.update({"id": id})
await self._users.insert_one(obj)
return id
Here we give the user a unique id, and then we insert the user into the database Based on the Models.
For the update function, we are using the same logic, but we are updating the user instead of inserting it, as an argument, we give the ID, and the object, this gonna return a boolean.
- Update:
async def update(self, id: int, obj: dict) -> bool:
res = await self._users.update_one({"id": id}, {"$set": obj})
return bool(res.matched_count)
To Delete a user we just give the ID as an argument, and return a boolean.
- Delete:
async def delete(self, id: int) -> bool:
res = await self._users.delete_one({"id": id})
return bool(res.deleted_count)
Complex Functions¶
After Creating the Database Cruds, we are going to create the functions that will be used to verify the email, and confirm the email to let the user, use the application.
As we know we need the email:str
, a hashed token also to request the email
async def request_email_confirmation(self, email: str, token_hash: str) -> None:
await self._email_confirmations.update_one(
{"email": email}, {"$set": {"token": token_hash}}, upsert=True)
return None
This gonna return the request with a token to confirm the email.
async def confirm_email(self, token_hash: str) -> bool:
ec = await self._email_confirmations.find_one({"token": token_hash})
if ec is not None:
email = ec.get("email")
async with await self._client.start_session() as session:
async with session.start_transaction():
await self._users.update_one(
{"email": email}, {"$set": {"confirmed": True}}
await self._email_confirmations.delete_many({"email": email})
return True
return False
There is a lot of functions for example:
: Count the number of users in the database.get_blacklist
: Get the blacklist of the users.