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Pydantic models represent the data structure of a user. Base classes are provided with the required fields to make authentication work. You should sub-class each of them and add your own fields there.

➡️ Models


AuthX is compatible with MongoDB (other ORMs & providers coming soon). To build the interface between the database tool and the library, we provide a database adapter class that you need to instantiate and configure.

AuthX is compatible and extendible with the necessary tools to work with SQL databases thanks to the Encode/Databases library.

➡️ Database


AuthX provides Redis cache, a fast and reliable cache provider that can be used to cache the authentication results and store the user data. This one is based on redis a pure Python asynchronous Redis client.

➡️ Cache


AuthX provides strong Utils to work with while developing your API. JWT is a simple and secure way to authenticate users, Now also we Have a supportable Sessions based on Redis; Captcha is a simple way to protect your API from bots; Hmac and Hashlib to generate a strong password hash.

➡️ Security


Helping Developers to create, read, update and delete data is a common task. AuthX provides an Extensible CRUD API Helping you integrate it with your existing code.



Designing and configuring your API is a very important part of the development process. We provide a strong CRUD functional API to manage your API.

➡️ Services


AuthX object is the main class from which you'll be able to generate routers for classic routes like registration, login or logout but also get the current_user dependency factory to inject the authenticated user in your own routes.

➡️ Routers


Supporting OAuth2 is one of the most important feature of AuthX. We provide a middleware to handle the OAuth2 flow for both FastAPI app and Starlette app that could help you to integrate AuthX with your existing app.

Supporting Pyinstrument is also a helpful feature of AuthX. We provide a middleware to instrument your API, and check your service code performance.

➡️ Middleware


AuthX provides a Socket.IO server that can be used to communicate with your API.

➡️ SocketIO